An update on Borrowed Time

March 23, 2020

For many of us the world has become a very different place just in the last week, and certainly since we first envisioned this event.

Contrary to our previous announcement we are no longer planning to bring together 250+ people into a shared physical space in November. Beyond that, we honestly can’t say what we will now be able to do, nor when exactly we’ll be able to do it.

For all that, our theme feels more relevant, not less. The radical uncertainty and vulnerability which our communities currently face only deepens our resolve to see Borrowed Time somehow come to pass. At the same time we’re well aware that the language of our Call for Proposals feels oddly disconnected from the speed and the scale of the changes we currently find ourselves living through. So it’s not merely the where and the how of our gathering that are now up in the air: the way such a conversation is framed will surely need to be reimagined in light of current events. 

Such a re-imagining is not something we mean to do alone.   

Please continue to send us your proposals. The Borrowed Time programming team will meet (virtually, of course) on April 24 as originally planned. And, like all events of this kind, the event itself will be shaped at all levels by what you send us, by looking outward at what is happening in the world, by practicalities, and through an open and flexible conversation inspired by your proposals and thoughts.

And please, stay safe; take care of yourself and those around you.